Results for cancer

FAQ About Burn Injury Cases

Burn injuries can happen in numerous ways and cause extensive medical complications. A personal injury attorney can help determine if someone is liable for your damages. 

Common Doctors’ Errors and their Consequences: What Every Patient Should Know

Everyone makes mistakes. Even doctors. In fact, doctors make errors more often than you might think.

When Is Renal Failure Considered Medical Malpractice?

Nephrologists, like other doctors, can make mistakes that cause severe injuries and even death. A medical malpractice attorney can determine if it was negligence.

When Is It Worth Suing For Medical Malpractice?

If you have a life-altering injury resulting from a doctor’s negligence or error, you might consider suing for malpractice. 

Tips for Reporting Medical Malpractice in Pennsylvania

How can you prove medical malpractice has occurred?

Can My Family Lawyer Help With A Medical Malpractice Case?

Different types of lawsuits require attorneys who specialize in specific areas of the law. Here are the reasons why.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Quadriplegia?

Many things can cause quadriplegia, including car accidents, sports injuries, violent attacks, or medical issues.

Is My Misdiagnosis Considered Malpractice?

Learn what constitutes medical malpractice when it comes to different types of misdiagnoses.

How Do I Know If I Have Meningitis?

Meningitis is a potentially deadly disease where every second counts, so knowing the symptoms is crucial.

When Are  Abdominal Surgery Complications the Result of Medical Malpractice?

Bowel resection surgery is often the last resort for serious medical conditions. Unfortunately, it also has serious risks of surgical errors.

Can A Radiologist Be Liable For Medical Malpractice?

Radiologists can be held liable for medical errors that cause harm or injury to patients. 

I Believe I Am A Victim Of Malpractice, How Do I Know For Sure?

We want to trust our doctors but sometimes mistakes are made.

In What Areas Does Medical Malpractice Happen Most Often?

Whether you are being treated by a family doctor or specialist, medical malpractice is present in all areas of medicine.

Can Medication Errors Cause Birth Injuries?

Some medications might not be safe to take while you're pregnant. What you should do?

Is My Nerve Damage My Doctor’s Fault?

The pain of severe nerve damage can be excruciating, and it may have been preventable.

What Causes Medical Malpractice?

When a doctor makes an error, the consequences can be disastrous. Here are some common causes of malpractice.