Results for birth injury

Ross Feller Casey Secures $32.5 Million In Birth Injury Case Against Reading Hospital

Reached by Matt Casey, the settlement stems from a series of medical errors that caused cerebral palsy and permanent neurological injuries in a now 5-year-old boy.

What is Hemiplegia and Hemiparesis?

Hemiplegia and hemiparesis affect one side of the body permanently, and they can be caused by medical negligence on the part of doctors..

How Could Gestational Diabetes Affect My Baby?

Gestational diabetes can adversely affect unborn babies. It must be diagnosed, monitored, and treated effectively to reduce the risk of birth injuries.

Gestational Diabetes Risks for Mother and Baby

There are many risks for both mother and baby when a woman has gestational diabetes; even more so when it isn’t properly treated.

Is The NICU Staff Responsible For My Baby’s Birth Injury?

Doctor errors in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit may lead to birth injuries, which may be considered medical malpractice. 

Emergency Cesarean Sections: What Are The Complications And Risks?

Complications can arise during labor requiring an emergency cesarean section, but that comes with complications, too.

Did My Midwife Cause My Child’s Injury?

Like doctors, midwives can cause birth injuries if they are negligent. Also like doctors, they can be held liable for those mistakes.

Are Caput Succedaneum or Cephalohematoma Cause for Concern?

Birth trauma to the head is often an unavoidable consequence of the birthing process, and head injuries like caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma, while generally harmless, should not be ignored.

What Should I Do If Labor Took Too Long And My Baby Suffered Injuries?

Mismanaged labor can result in catastrophic injuries to mother and baby. It can also be a case of medical malpractice.

Did Your Delayed Emergency C-section Cause Harm To Your Baby? 

When an emergency C-section is delayed, it can cause serious medical problems for a newborn.

Birth Complications That Cause A Mother’s Death

More maternal deaths are occurring now than 30 years ago, and negligence may be the cause.

What Is Fetal Bradycardia In Labor and Delivery?

When fetal bradycardia occurs during labor and delivery, a baby may suffer serious effects that last a lifetime. When is it considered medical malpractice?

Frequently Asked Questions – Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is a birth injury that can almost always be prevented. Here is what you need to know about the condition.

What Can the Future Look Like After a Preterm Birth?

When a baby is born too early, there can be immediate and far-reaching consequences for the child’s health, the parents’ finances, and the emotional toll on a family.

Can You Sue A Midwife For Malpractice?

Midwives often provide excellent care to women during pregnancy and childbirth. However, if they are negligent, the consequences can be devastating.

Is My Son’s Circumcision Injury His Doctor’s Fault?

Most circumcisions take place without complications. However, when something goes wrong, the complications can be devastating, both now and in the future.

Can a Fever During Labor Cause Cerebral Palsy?

When a woman develops a fever during labor, the baby is at an increased risk of experiencing a birth injury such as cerebral palsy.

What Are the Different Types of Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy comes in many forms, depending on the areas of the brain that have been damaged, the number of limbs affected, and the types of body movements involved.

What Is Herpes Meningoencephalitis?

When left untreated, HSV meningoencephalitis can be fatal. Doctors are responsible for doing all they can to prevent newborns from developing this infection.